• Question: What do you need to get in your industry?

    Asked by DanielW on 11 Feb 2025.
    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 11 Feb 2025:

      You can join the nuclear industry directly by pursuing an apprenticeship in a nuclear related company or you can study a relevant degree and apply as a graduate. You can still apply even if you feel your degree/experience isn’t as relevant as others.
      There are lots of roles in the nuclear industry for you to choose from and they encourage a broad range of people to apply so they get a good range of experiences and skill sets.

    • Photo: Connor Fitchett

      Connor Fitchett answered on 12 Feb 2025:

      I work with clinical trials, and the main thing you need are statistics fundamentals and a willingness to learn. The easiest place to get the statistics will be some maths based course at uni, but there are many other courses which give the level of stats you’d need. Otherwise, working together in a unit that’s collaborative means that you can always ask people if you don’t understand something.
