• Question: why did you want to specialise in AI

    Asked by duke519syke on 3 Mar 2025.
    • Photo: Izzy Newsham

      Izzy Newsham answered on 3 Mar 2025:

      When I learnt about AI, I thought it was a really cool concept. We can pretty much teach computers how to do things with AI. For example, if we have a large dataset containing photos of cats and dogs, we can teach the computer to recognise cats and dogs.
      I think this is really cool, because if we give the computer a photo of a dog it has never seen before, it should be able to predict that it is a dog!

      This example isn’t particularly exciting, as it is just about cats and dogs, but this idea can be applied to any dataset you have. For example, if we have large datasets about diseases, we can teach the computer to distinguish between different diseases. This is actually useful, as the computers can then help us to diagnose new patients.
      So basically, I wanted to specialise in AI because it can learn to do really cool and useful things.

    • Photo: Kate Belson

      Kate Belson answered on 4 Mar 2025:

      AI is developing really fast at the moment, which makes it very interesting as things are changing all the time. For me particularly, I’m interested in how AI could help at hospitals, and maybe detect diseases in xrays, which could really help people get the treatment they need. There’s a lot of potential, and as it’s developing, we find out more interesting things, which makes me want to learn more!
