Adriana Reyes
About Me:
I live with my fiance and our bunch of kids and a tortoise in Manchester, I’m a process engineer during the day and have been known to dance, make fabrics and toys out of yarn, occasionally bake cakes and sometimes doodle during the evenings whilst watching the news. I love spicy food.
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I love using fabric and yarn and being creative with that
I love dancing in a group
I was born in Mexico
I do not like bullies and have survived them
My pronouns are:
I am a she 🙂
My Work:
I work for the water industry
I am interested in finding engineering solutions to improve water quality
I am interested in working towards good use of the limited water we have in the world -
My Typical Day:
I wake up and have cereal and sort out the bunch of kiddos. I then go to work where I talk to a team of different levels/disciplines in engineering to give engineering solutions to the problems the water industry is facing.
I went to school in Mexico
Qualifications in Mexico were different. I did leave High school with a diploma that shows that I can type super fast and I could take dictation in a weird series of symbols that aren’t used anymore.
I am a chemical engineer, did a health and safety postgraduate diploma, then a masters and a PhD (so I’m a doctor…. sadly not the get well sort of doctor) and I’m a chartered engineer
Work History:
My first job was in a pharmaceutical company, then I moved to the UK, I worked as bar staff during my Uni years in the UK, then got a job in a research company and after that I’ve been working for construction companies in the water industry
Current Job:
Senior Process Engineer
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
crap engineer-dancer
What did you want to be after you left school?
I wanted to clean the world's biggest rivers
Were you ever in trouble at school?
only when i tried to pick a chirimoya (custard apple) from the massive tree in the middle of the playground
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
cheese monger
Who is your favourite singer or band?
the muppets singing Bohemian rhapsody
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
get a bigger house with a play and a craft room, get a flying unicorn and get a magical classic mini powered by sustainable fuel that fits all my gang and their instruments inside
Tell us a joke.
a sheep, a drum and a snake fall off a cliff - Baa dum tsssssssssss