
Mohan Sridharan
About Me:
I am an academic interested in robots, AI, cartoons, and the real-world impact of scientific developments.
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I live in Edinburgh with my wife, who is a computer scientist, and my daughter, who goes to primary school. We are vegetarians; my wife and daughter are foodies who occasionally let me bake, but volunteer me to do all the cleaning after their cooking experiments! I like to read (fiction, non-fiction), swim, and watch old cartoons and movies. I also like to discuss politics and the real-world impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other scientific developments.
My Work:
My research seeks to equip robots with human-level abilities to reason, learn, and act. I am also interested in understanding cognition and control in humans. Furthermore, I enjoy teaching students (at a university) about robotics, AI, and computing.
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For my research, I work on problems in robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The long-term objective is to enable robots to collaborate with humans in complex application domains. Toward this objective, I work on enabling robots to reason with incomplete information and adapt to situations that they were not aware of before. This involves building new mathematical models/methods, translating these models/methods to programs (i.e., software) to be executed on robots. It also involves running experiments on robots and documenting the results in reports that are shared with others. I do this research in collaboration with students and colleagues from around the world.
In addition to my research, I also enjoy teaching and supervising students. This involves delivering lectures on different topics in computer science, interacting with students to help them understand the material better, and supervising students working on research projects.
My Typical Day:
I usually wake up early and exercise. After a bath and breakfast, I drop my daughter off at her school and go to work (at the University of Edinburgh). At work, I work on making robots smarter. I also spend time delivering lectures, and meeting with students and colleagues. In the afternoon, I pick up my daughter from school and go home. I spend time with my family, and try to get some more work done before going to bed.
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I usually wake up early and try to squeeze in some time for exercise (e.g., swim, basic stretches, run); I try to do this with my daughter if possible. After a bath and a quick breakfast (usually cereal with milk), I drop my daughter at her school before going to my office at the University of Edinburgh. Work involves developing mathematical models and methods that make robots smarter, often in collaboration with students and colleagues, and then translating these methods and models to software that can be run on robots. I also spend time delivering lectures to (and interacting with) students taking courses at the university. Some of my time each day is also spent meeting with colleagues to discuss research, teaching, and administrative tasks that need to be completed. In between, I take breaks to eat and read research articles written by others. In the afternoon, I pick up my daughter from her school and go home. I spend time with my family until dinner; we talk about recent events and/or watch a show on TV. I then try to get some more work done before I go to bed.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I will use the prize money to support robotics-based activities (workshops, lab visits, after-school clubs) at local schools. The objective is to encourage students to pursue advanced degrees and careers in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology.
My father’s job with the Indian government changed where he was posted every few years. As a result, I completed my schooling (nursery to high school) in four different cities in India.
In chronological order:
(i) High school completion certificate, India.
(ii) Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics), Madras University, India.
(iii) Master of Science, The University of Texas at Austin, USA.
(iv) PhD, The University of Texas at Austin, USA.My school education gave me a solid foundation in mathematics and science. My undergraduate degree taught me the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and robotics. My postgraduate degrees helped me learn the advanced mathematical principles and the research skills that I use and build on for my current work.
Work History:
In reverse chronological order:
- Reader, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK.
- Senior Lecturer, Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Auckland, NZ.
- Associate Professor, Mathematics, Texas Tech University, USA.
- Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Texas Tech University, USA.
- Research Fellow, Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK.
- Research Assistant, Computer Science, The University of Texas at Austin, USA.
University of Edinburgh, UK
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Curiousity-driven robotics researcher
What did you want to be after you left school?
Researcher in automation
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Lots! I was particularly rebellious in high school.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Kishore Kumar (Indian singer)
What's your favourite food?
Roti+Spinach (Indian), Pasta
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
(i) Build a robot capable of making new scientific discoveries (including cures for new diseases!); (2) Complete a triathlon; (3) Help children remain curious and enjoy learning throughout their lives.
Tell us a joke.
(I heard this from my daughter) Why does no one hear a pterodactyl use the toilet? Answer: Because its "pee" is silent!