
Yaning Wu
About Me:
I live with several stuffed animals in Cambridge. I’m a PhD student in public health during the day and play music and spend too much time watching fun things online in the evenings!
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I grew up across the continents of Asia, North America, and Africa before I moved to the UK to start university. Most people I meet in the UK think I have an American or Canadian accent, but I’m not sure I do!
I became interested in medicine and health after I was treated for a spinal condition as a teenager. When I met other patients with my condition, I realised that I was very lucky to have the treatment I did, so I wanted to act to make sure that everyone has the chance to make their health better.
I have picked up a lot of random hobbies. I did a lot of music when I was younger and continue to play the piano and guitar, both for myself and for others. I also took some art classes and find that the things I draw have become more and more simple over the years. I used to read a lot in my spare time, but I read a lot when I’m working now, so I don’t pick up many books for fun.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I study how to make blood donation more safe and effective in England using big datasets.
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I work with a team of scientists from different backgrounds, and we mostly work on computers. We design nationwide experiments and observe what happens to blood donors over the years so that we can make the donation process better for everyone. We collect data from people (mostly adults) who volunteer to give blood in England. You might know someone who is in our datasets!
My Typical Day:
I wake up and take the bus to my office by 9 am. I think about my research, analyse data, or read important papers in the morning and have breakfast in between. After lunch, I reply to emails, speak to other scientists about their ideas, or think up new ideas of my own. Then, I go home and cook dinner.
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I like to work on harder things in the morning because I think I focus better. In the afternoon, I do things that need a little less concentration because I feel a little sleepy after lunch. I also like to keep a hot drink with me when I work because it helps me get into a routine.
I use a programme called R to write code (or instructions for my computer) and find out more about relationships between different parts of my data. I learned R when I was in university, and I find coding fun. But when R doesn’t work, I sometimes feel very frustrated. Luckily, many of the scientists I work with are much better at programming than me and can help.
I also write as much as I can during my working day. I write about what the relationships in my data mean for other scientists and for people who are involved in my research, like people who donate blood. I also write down silly ideas and random thoughts in case they become useful later.
During the week, I go to my office as much as I can so that I can connect with other scientists and learn from their work. When I’m not in my office, I go to libraries in other places to work, and I sometimes practice piano nearby during my lunch break.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would run workshops to ask people of all ages and backgrounds about what they think is important to know about blood donation.
P.S. 12 James B Colgate (New York City, USA)
Maadi British International School (Cairo, Egypt)
American International School in Egypt (Cairo, Egypt)
Rosslyn Academy (Nairobi, Kenya)
University College London
University of Oxford
Advanced Placement subjects (American equivalent to A-levels): 2D Studio Art, US History, English Language and Composition, Biology, English Literature and Composition, Statistics, Chemistry, Calculus
Degrees: BSc in Population Health Sciences (UCL), MSc in Global Health Science and Epidemiology (Oxford)
Work History:
Internships at …
Flourish (a company that helps people make charts and graphs)
Carbon Brief (a climate journalism organisation)
The Equality Trust (a charity that deals with income inequality)
Aceso Global Health Consultants (a company that does public health research)
Current Job:
PhD student in blood donor health
University of Cambridge (though I’m not technically employed!)
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
A doctor, but my marks weren't good enough!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I got in trouble for playing with a laser pointer in French class once.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
If I was much better at playing the piano, I would love to perform in bands for musicals.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Gregory Alan Isakov! He is a South African singer who moved to the US at a young age, and he also runs a farm that produces beautiful-looking fruits and vegetables.
What's your favourite food?
I love mangosteens, which are tropical fruits that look like garlic cloves on the inside.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
The ability to travel with zero climate impact + cost, more time, good health for family
Tell us a joke.
"I used to play musical instruments, but I sucked." "Did you suck the harmonica?"