• Question: What kept you motivated for so long?

    Asked by derm519peer to Henry D on 14 Feb 2025.
    • Photo: Henry Duke

      Henry Duke answered on 14 Feb 2025:

      My motivation has had ups and downs. I have had some jobs where I absolutely wasn’t motivated and ended up leaving (one job only lasted about 3 months!) For me, motivation comes from the subject matter of the software that I am writing – I really enjoy learning about aircraft and writing software to support them allows me to talk to the end users and get to know more about the work they do, and the aircraft they work on. When I was working in accountancy software, it was no where near as interesting and I ended up moving to a different job. Even in my current role, if I am not enjoying the project that I am working on, I will talk to management and find something else. It’s about not accepting ‘boring’ as ‘normal’ 🙂
