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0 Question: What video games do you like? Keywords: enjoy, video game, videogame Asked by sake519fens on 24 Oct 2024. This question was also asked by area519fens.
Viviene Dela Cruz answered on 24 Oct 2024:
Hi! Some of the games I like are Kena: bridge of Spirits, Risk of Rain (1 and 2), Don’t Starve Together, Orcs Must Die! 2 (and 3), and Ori and the Blind Forest
Sometimes I like a ‘quick’ game and sometimes I play a longer adventure/strategy game 🙂
John Easton answered on 8 Nov 2024:
Problem solving ones. My absolute favourites are things like Myst and Riven from Cyan.
Caroline Roche answered on 30 Nov 2024:
RPG and strategy games, where I get to solve problems alongside some action. Obviously Sims as well so I can build my unaffordable dream house 🙂
Lisa Hursell answered on 10 Dec 2024:
RPGs, puzzle games, horror.. pretty much anything except MMOs.
Portal is fantastic!
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