Questions Answered by stuartmacgowan
- why did you want to specialise in AI by duke519syke Comments: (No comments so far )
- what is it like being a computer scientist by fact519pock Comments: (No comments so far )
- What car is most vulnerable to cyber attacks? by thus519vacs Comments: (No comments so far )
- how many different computer based jobs are there? by draw519kana Comments: (No comments so far )
- how long did it take you to study and receive all of your qualifications by acme519peer and 1 other. Comments: (No comments so far )
- What role, if any, will Ai have in healthcare? by wave520keek and 1 other. Comments: (No comments so far )
Recent Comments
Has AI affected your jobs in any way, and do you think its necessary to use AI? (2 comments)
what have you found previously (1 comment)
Are you in any way afraid of how AI is developing and taking jobs? (2 comments)
Did u take gcse ci if u had it as a option (2 comments)
Are there any regrets that you have about school (1 comment)