• Question: What is the best thing about your job?

    Asked by mass519oaks on 24 Oct 2024. This question was also asked by derm519fens, sake519fens, bath519oaks.
    • Photo: Viviene Dela Cruz

      Viviene Dela Cruz answered on 24 Oct 2024:

      I get to play with light by building my own laser setups! I find that very fun so getting to do that and learn lots while doing it is a huge win for me 🙂

    • Photo: Martin McMahon

      Martin McMahon answered on 24 Oct 2024:

      100% the best thing about my job and any of the jobs I’ve ever had is travelling and meeting new people.

    • Photo: John Easton

      John Easton answered on 8 Nov 2024:

      Solving problems. I get to work with interesting people and lots of cool technology to solve problems for interesting companies. What’s not to like about a job like that? Oh – and I get paid to do it!

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 30 Nov 2024:

      I like meeting all the different people working on my projects and seeing what their roles involve.
      I also like seeing the large machines move using my code, that can be really exciting.
