
Richard Barton
About Me:
My wife and I moved to Cornwall in 2019 when I got a digital job at Cornwall Council. We enjoy body boarding, walks and wish we had more time to ride our motorbike.
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We’ve got two grown-up kids. One works backstage in the theatre business and the other teaches at a university in Africa. These days a lot of my time at work involves managing teams of people – funny how much computer science involves people! To compensate I mess around with code and computers as a hobby and as a volunteer teaching tech to kids and adults.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
Everything is online and digital these days so I help Cornwall Council work online and in a digital way. This is everything from weekly bin collections, inspecting food outlets to caring for vulnerable children and elderly people.
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Making things more digital can’t be done by one person coding on their own. It takes a team effort so I spend a lot of time finding the people we need to be in the team, helping them understand what needs to be done, getting things ready so we can all work well together and fixing problems – there are often a lot of problems to fix! To help people I need to understand how they work so I am always learning about new things. Recently I’ve been learning about AI (Artificial Intelligence) so we can use this to help people in a safe way.
My Typical Day:
I wake up early and catch up with world and tech news over breakfast. Since COVID my journey to work usually involves walking up stairs to my home office! I usually get started some time between 8am and 9am. The mornings often includes a set of routine team catch ups, usually over a video call. These can be very quick but it just means that if anyone has a problem or has got stuck on their work they can get help really quickly. The afternoons are often workshops to plan or design things or creative sessions to solve problems or unblock work that has got stuck for some reason. I usually finish some time between 5pm and 6pm.
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I never have two days that are the same. Some people would find that nerve wracking but I love it and would probably get bored if I had a routine. Day by day, different problems arise and, mostly, we fix these so that they don’t happen again so, on the next day, we are working on something new. Things change in other ways too. For example it takes a few weeks or maybe a month or two to make a new digital service or make a big improvement to one we already have so in a few weeks time we will move on to another one in a new area. Another example is that I move around and help different teams so every few months I meet new people, try to learn about their work and help them find the digital things so they can get more done and serve more people.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I help out and run code clubs and we make these fun by building robots, light shows and basic computer games. If I win the prize money I would buy equipment for these clubs including Raspberry Pi computers, motors, cables, buttons, components and lots and lots of LEDs! Did I mention I love LEDs?
The Highfield School, Letchworth, Hertfordshire.
O Levels in a range of subjects. The usual maths and science you might expect for a computer science but English, art and graphical communication have also been important.
A Levels in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Graphical Communication. I did my Graphical Communication project on computer graphics and sent it in on a VHS video. No one had ever done this before and my teacher had to fight with the exam board to get them to accept it!
Degree in Software Engineering. My final year project was on 3D computer graphics.
Work History:
Check outs and stacking shelves in the local super market.
University summer job in the computer department of a tractor factory.
Programmer for a software company
Technical Manager for a big US database company
Technology Advisor for a management consultancy company.
Digital designer for the Department of Work and Pensions. Here is an article about some of my work.
Digital Director for a Japanese technology company.
Blog covering the last few years at work
Current Job:
Agile Coach. Here is a blog article about my first year.
Cornwall Council
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
digital project fixer
What did you want to be after you left school?
A coder
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really. I enjoyed learning and still do.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Probably work for charities so they can get more done and help more people using online and digital things
Who is your favourite singer or band?
That's hard because I keep changing my mind. Anything at a silent disco will be my favourite for 3 mins!
What's your favourite food?
Chicken Tikka Biriyani followed by the Cinnamon Apply Pie that my wife makes.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1: People across the world stop being horrible to others, 2: My kids have long healthy, happy lives, 3: I win £140M on Euromillions!
Tell us a joke.
Q: What are two hard problems in computer science? A: naming things, cache invalidation and off-by-1 errors