• Question: Is it difficult to study?

    Asked by YeeC on 9 Oct 2024.
    • Photo: Allyson Lister

      Allyson Lister answered on 9 Oct 2024:

      The main thing you need to study is focus. You need to be able to plan what is most important to study and then make a schedule to ensure you cover everything. After that, patience is also a good trait – every bit of studying helps, but not every bit will feel like it’s helping! 🙂

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 30 Nov 2024:

      It can be difficult to study if you are using techniques that don’t suit you.
      It’s really helpful if you can work out how best you learn and apply that to your study techniques.
      I’m a practical study person so I remember things best if I’ve physically done them e.g. remembering equations for maths or science, I remember them better if I’ve used the equations and written them out or can apply them to practical examples.
