• Question: why is ai important

    Asked by term519sank on 25 Feb 2025.
    • Photo: Edward Smart

      Edward Smart answered on 25 Feb 2025:

      We have so much data in the world today and many challenging problems to address. Even if all the humans on the planet were skilled and trained in data analysis, they could not possibly look through it all.
      Computers are great at tasks where there are clear patterns and a clear process to follow. By automating these tasks, it can save a lot of time.
      So computers have a big role to play for automation.
      There are also things that if they happened, could be really harmful to people.
      For example, medical scans might show signs of cancer but a doctor might be looking for something else. Using AI to analyse these scans automatically for anomalies could give useful information for the doctor.

      Additionally, it could be used for fault detection to alert the user if something odd takes place. This is really important on an aircraft or at a nuclear power plant.

      AI can be really helpful but think of it as a giant toolbox that can be applied to many things.
      But humans are still needed as AI can learn silly, wrong or even dangerous behaviours.
