For me, it’s a bit of both. I like being able to really focus on something on my own, which I find particularly valuable for complex tasks. But there’s a limit to what any of us can achieve alone, so working as a team is critical for making a bigger impact and getting more done. Team work is not just about having more people, we all bring different ideas and perspectives so teams can often solve problems that any individual cannot.
A bit of both: team collaboration to thrash out ideas, mentors/mentees for personal growth, solo to get work done. If you’re on your own and you have a problem, to whom do you turn? That’s where teams come in handy!
MarcusDavage commented on :
A bit of both: team collaboration to thrash out ideas, mentors/mentees for personal growth, solo to get work done. If you’re on your own and you have a problem, to whom do you turn? That’s where teams come in handy!