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Do you like planes? if you do what's your favrioute a airline (no answers)
What is the most exciting or unexpected discovery you’ve made in your field, and how did it challenge or change your (answered by 4)
how many different computer based jobs are there? (answered by 2)
How Long will beetle juice last (answered by 1)
How to stars and planets evolve and form? (answered by 1)
How fast does the universe expand (answered by 1)
Would Pluto ever collide with another Planet as it orbits in an oval shape over the other planets orbit (answered by 1)
Can Jupiter explode as it is made of gas? (answered by 1)
If you fell off something in space would you keep falling or floating till death? (answered by 1)
Why is our solar system in the Milky Way galaxy (eg. Why is it not in the andromeda galaxy)? (answered by 1)
Has AI affected your jobs in any way, and do you think its necessary to use AI? (2 comments)
what have you found previously (1 comment)
Are you in any way afraid of how AI is developing and taking jobs? (2 comments)
Did u take gcse ci if u had it as a option (2 comments)
Are there any regrets that you have about school (1 comment)
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Has AI affected your jobs in any way, and do you think its necessary to use AI? (2 comments)
what have you found previously (1 comment)
Are you in any way afraid of how AI is developing and taking jobs? (2 comments)
Did u take gcse ci if u had it as a option (2 comments)
Are there any regrets that you have about school (1 comment)