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Have you always wanted to be a mathematician or did that opinion change when you got your GCSE and A level results back? (answered by 1)
What type of jobs can you do as a mathematician (answered by 2)
What is the weirdest part of maths and why (answered by 1)
what method of revision is the best for maths? (answered by 1)
How can I figure out what job I would like to do in the future? (answered by 7)
how many hours of maths do you do daily (answered by 1)
how many different computer based jobs are there? (answered by 4)
are you really happy with your job, doesn't it get stressful? (answered by 3)
do you ever think of quitting and doing something else or something easier? (answered by 1)
what do you learn from finding x (answered by 1)
how long did it take you to study and receive all of your qualifications (1 comment)
What would be the best a levels in order to have a career in aeronautical engineering? (1 comment)
When did you get into a computer scientist (1 comment)
would you change your job and would you if you could (1 comment)
would you rather work in a team or work by yourself (1 comment)
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how long did it take you to study and receive all of your qualifications (1 comment)
What would be the best a levels in order to have a career in aeronautical engineering? (1 comment)
When did you get into a computer scientist (1 comment)
would you change your job and would you if you could (1 comment)
would you rather work in a team or work by yourself (1 comment)