Meet your Computer Scientists
how much does AI helps in physics and mathematical calculation for humans discover the space?
by fate519suet
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What do you need to get in your industry?
by DanielW
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Has AI affected your jobs in any way, and do you think its necessary to use AI?
by suzi
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by menu519syke
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When did you get into a computer scientist
by past519fuze
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What advice would you give to someone interested in STEM ?
by Sandali
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what have you found previously
by nada519eths
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can your enigma machine decode anything(except from modern day codes)
by that519eths to Sheridan
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what was your favourite subject?
by case519gane to yaningwu, tomranner, sirajsayed, Paul S, Eva A, chloehinchliffe, Allyson L
Comments: (so far, 2s comments )
What role, if any, will Ai have in healthcare?
by wave520keek
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Recent Comments
Has AI affected your jobs in any way, and do you think its necessary to use AI? (1 comment)
what have you found previously (1 comment)
Are you in any way afraid of how AI is developing and taking jobs? (2 comments)
Did u take gcse ci if u had it as a option (2 comments)
Are there any regrets that you have about school (1 comment)