• Question: what are the skills needed as a emerging software developer

    Asked by matthew on 4 Mar 2025.
    • Photo: Kate Belson

      Kate Belson answered on 4 Mar 2025:

      There are lots of online resources that can help you learn to code – I like codecademy.com, it takes you through from the basics and has lots of free courses! Practicing your maths skills is also helpful, as well as solving “logic” problems – try downloading some logic or problem solving games on your phone.

    • Photo: Marcus Davage

      Marcus Davage answered on 5 Mar 2025:

      You can learn many technical skills online.

      What you can’t learn online is character: Are you trustworthy? Honest? With integrity? Respectful? Polite? Dependable? Constantly curious? Always willing to learn new things? Willing to ask for help? Can you accept failure and learn from its results? Are you happy to challenge or be challenged? Are you happy to do the mundane work without complaint or the important work without fear?

      If so, you’ll go far.
