• Question: When did you get into a computer scientist

    Asked by past519fuze on 10 Feb 2025. This question was also asked by hear519kana.
    • Photo: Izzy Newsham

      Izzy Newsham answered on 10 Feb 2025:

      In school (around year 8 or 9 I think), we had a lesson on scratch. This is a computer program where you can code in blocks.
      This got me interested in coding and from there, I decided I wanted to do ICT at GCSE and then computer science at A level.

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 11 Feb 2025:

      I liked computers when I was younger but didn’t really get into being a computer scientist until university. I originally went to study physics and be researcher. But I really enjoyed the software and technology side of things more so switched to programming and control systems.
