• Question: Will AI replace a lot if computing jobs EG: code writer / script writer

    Asked by take519oaks on 24 Oct 2024. This question was also asked by knee519sops.
    • Photo: Martin McMahon

      Martin McMahon answered on 24 Oct 2024:

      I’m not sure it would. AI can certainly help to speed things up, but not replace us entirely. I use AI to create general scripts that I then edit and enhance myself.

    • Photo: John Easton

      John Easton answered on 8 Nov 2024:

      Yes – a lot of jobs will change because of AI. That doesn’t mean that they are necessarily replaced, but the jobs will change for sure. Programming is one where an AI assistant can help you write code, but because it doesn’t understand the business problem or what the code actually does, it’s going to need someone to “translate” what the AI tool comes up with into something that actually solves the problem the organisation is facing.

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 30 Nov 2024:

      I can’t see AI fully replacing alot of computing jobs, it will start to be used alot more going forward but mainly in cross-checking and reviewing the work done by a human against the design documentation.
      I’m looking forward to it being used in helping developing the documents I have to write which should free up my time to do other work.
